[동 정보는 정보제공 차원에서 정리 게재한 것으로 동 기관들을 통한 거래안정성을 보장하지는 않음]
[Myslovnik에 컨텐츠 사용을 허락/허가한 기관 - 2017.08.01. 기준]
현지 주요 추천사이트 [최종 update : 2016.2.28]
ㅇ Ministry of Finance : http://www.mfcr.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Culture : http://www.mkcr.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Defense : http://www.army.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs : http://www.mpsv.cz
ㅇ Ministry for Regional Development : http://www.mmr.cz/index.php
ㅇ Ministry of Industry and Trade : http://www.mpo.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Justice : http://portal.justice.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports : http://www.msmt.cz
ㅇ Ministry of the Interior : http://www.mvcr.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Foreign Affairs : http://www.mzv.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Health : http://www.mzcr.cz
ㅇ Ministry of Agricluture : http://www.mze.cz/?lang=en
ㅇ Ministry of the Environment : http://www.env.cz
ㅇ Czech Trade : http://www.czechtradeoffices.com
ㅇ Parliament-chamber of Deputies : http://www.psp.cz
ㅇ Parliament-Senate : http://www.senat.cz
ㅇ Office of the Government : http://www.vlada.cz
ㅇ Office of President : http://www.hrad.cz
ㅇ Czech Statistical Office : http://www.czso.cz
ㅇ Czech Telecommunication Office : http://www.ctu.cz
ㅇ Industrial Property Office : http://www.upv.cz
ㅇ Czech Invest : http://www.czechinvest.org
ㅇSkoka Auto, a.s. (Automotive): http://www.skoda-auto.cz
ㅇCesky telecom, a.s.(Telecommunication) : http://www.telecom.cz
ㅇRadioMobil, a.s.(Telecommunication) : http://www.t-mobile.cz
ㅇEurotel Praha spo. s.r.o.(Telecommunication) : http://www.eurotel.cz
ㅇSiemens, s.r.o.(Telecoms, machinery) : http://www.siemens.cz
ㅇCEZ(Energy) : http://www.cez.cz
ㅇSkoda Praha, a.s.(Machinery) : http://www.skodapraha.cz
ㅇCzech Airlines(Air transportation) : http://www.czechairlines.cz
ㅇCzech Railways : http://www.cd.cz
ㅇRWE Transgas, a.s. (Gas) : http://www.rwe.cz
ㅇTesco Stores CR, a.s. : http://www.itesco.cz
ㅇMakro Cahs & Carry CR, s.r.o. : http://www.makro.cz
[상공회의소, 조합 및 단체]
ㅇDelegation of the European Commission to the CR : http://www.evropska-unie.cz
ㅇEconomic Chamber of the Czech Republic : http://www.komora.cz
ㅇCzech-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce : http://www.dtihk.cz
ㅇAmerican Chamber of Commerce in the CR : http://www.amcham.cz
ㅇBritish Chamber of Commerce in the CR : http://www.britcham.cz
ㅇFrench-Czech Chamber of Commerce : http://www.ccft-fcok.cz
ㅇNational Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce : http://www.icc-cr.cz
ㅇAssociation for Foreign Investment : http://www.afi.cz
ㅇAssociation of Innovative Entrepreneurship : http://www.aipcr.cz
ㅇSteel Federation : http://www.hz.cz
ㅇAutomotive Industry Association - SAP : http://www.autosap.cz
ㅇAssociation of Chemical Industry : http://www.schp.cz
ㅇConfederation of Industry of the Czech Republic : http://www.spcr.cz
ㅇCzech and Moravian Electrical and Electronic Association : http://www.electroindustry.cz
ㅇFoundry Association : http://www.svazslevaren.cz
ㅇAssociation of the Glass and Ceramic Industry : http://www.askpcr.cz
ㅇAssociation of Market and Opinion Research Agencies : http://www.simar.cz
ㅇCzech National Bank : http://www.cnb.cz
ㅇCzech Export Bank : http://www.ceb.cz
ㅇExport Guarantee and Insurance Corp. : http://www.egap.cz
ㅇCeskoslovsenska obchodni banka, a.s.(czechslovakia commercial bank) : http://www.csob.cz
ㅇKomercni banka(Commercial bank) : http://www.kb.cz
ㅇCeska sporitelna, a.s. : http://www.csas.cz
ㅇCommerzbank AG : http://www.commerzbank.cz
ㅇCitibank a.s. : http://www.citibank.cz
[온라인 포탈]
ㅇseznam(researching portal) : http://www.seznam.cz
ㅇInfo portal : http://www.infoportal.cz
ㅇatlas(researching portal) : http://www.atlas.cz
ㅇAll about Czech Republic : http://www.czech.cz
ㅇDoing Business in the Czech Republic : http://www.doingbusiness.cz
ㅇHBI monitor(researching company) : http://www.hbi.cz
ㅇWLW(Lists of producer and supplier) : http://www.wlw.cz
ㅇKompass(Czech Company Catalogue) : http://www.kompass.cz
ㅇYellow pages : http://www.zlatestranky.cz
ㅇABC Business Portal : http://www.abc.cz
ㅇEuropean database of companies : http://www.edb.cz
# 추가로 추천하고 싶은 사이트가 있으신 경우 댓글/이메일 등으로 연락부탁드립니다.
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 추천 | 조회 |
18 | □ 체코/한국의 휴일/공휴일(2024) | 운영진 | 01.07 | 0 | 1,462 |
17 | □ 체코의 휴일/공휴일(2024년) | 운영진 | 01.07 | 0 | 2,607 |
16 | □ 체코의 휴일/공휴일(2023년) | 운영진 | 06.28 | 0 | 2,015 |
15 | □ 체코의 휴일/공휴일(2021년) | 운영진 | 07.11 | 0 | 3,775 |
14 | □ 체코의 휴일/공휴일(2020년) | 운영진 | 01.13 | 0 | 3,084 |
13 | □ 체코의 휴일/공휴일(2019년) | 운영진 | 02.06 | 0 | 3,294 |
12 | □ 소설가 - 보후밀 흐라발 | 운영진 | 04.26 | 0 | 3,359 |
11 | □ 음악가 - 구스타프 말러 | 운영진 | 04.06 | 0 | 3,124 |
10 | □ 체코의 휴일/공휴일(2018년) | 운영진 | 02.07 | 0 | 3,737 |
9 | □ 얀 팔라흐 (Jan Palach) 1969.01.19 | 운영진 | 01.24 | 0 | 2,823 |
8 | □ 얀 후스 - JAN HUS | 운영진 | 09.30 | 0 | 2,698 |
7 | □ 교육제도 – 기본 구조 | 운영진 | 02.28 | 0 | 3,646 |
6 | □ 체코의 국가(Czech Anthem) | 운영진 | 01.29 | 0 | 2,541 |
5 | □ 2016년 주요 Event | 운영진 | 01.04 | 0 | 2,107 |
4 | □ 현지 주요 추천사이트 | 운영진 | 01.04 | 0 | 4,145 |