

  • 구름많음속초16.7구름많음북춘천18.2구름많음철원13.9구름조금동두천14.6구름조금파주13.3맑음대관령8.9구름많음춘천17.6구름조금백령도15.8구름조금북강릉15.4구름조금강릉15.9흐림동해15.5맑음서울18.4구름조금인천18.0맑음원주18.5맑음울릉도16.1맑음수원18.0맑음영월14.8맑음충주14.4맑음서산15.4구름많음울진17.0맑음청주19.5맑음대전18.1맑음추풍령16.0맑음안동13.9구름많음상주17.7맑음포항19.3맑음군산15.8맑음대구16.7맑음전주18.4구름조금울산16.9맑음창원18.5맑음광주19.0구름조금부산18.3맑음통영18.0맑음목포18.4구름조금여수19.8구름조금흑산도17.4구름조금완도17.3맑음고창15.2맑음순천12.8맑음홍성15.5맑음서청주18.4흐림제주21.3구름많음고산21.7흐림성산22.3흐림서귀포21.4맑음진주15.8구름조금강화13.9구름많음양평15.7맑음이천16.6구름많음인제15.5흐림홍천16.0흐림태백11.0구름많음정선군13.5맑음제천13.6맑음보은14.8맑음천안16.1맑음보령16.1맑음부여15.8맑음금산14.6맑음세종17.2맑음부안16.6맑음임실13.5맑음정읍16.0맑음남원18.1맑음장수12.4맑음고창군14.8맑음영광군15.8맑음김해시17.6맑음순창군14.9맑음북창원18.0맑음양산시17.7맑음보성군15.1맑음강진군16.0맑음장흥14.4맑음해남16.9맑음고흥15.6맑음의령군16.9맑음함양군13.3맑음광양시17.9구름조금진도군17.8구름조금봉화12.7구름조금영주13.0맑음문경13.8맑음청송군12.2맑음영덕13.9맑음의성13.9구름많음구미17.0맑음영천13.2맑음경주시14.2맑음거창12.6맑음합천14.7맑음밀양16.9맑음산청13.7맑음거제18.2맑음남해16.7맑음북부산18.0
  • 2024.10.26(토)

구인/구직-채용정보중동부유럽 구인/구직/채용 정보

[종료-구인] KOREAN AIR – Back Office Staff for Call Center of Korean Air (대한항공 유럽어 콜센터 사무직 채용 - 프라하)

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KOREAN AIR – Back Office Staff for Call Center of Korean Air


Global leading airline, Korean Air, is currently looking for a new colleague for 

Back Office Staff at European Languages Call Center



 Position Description

  • Full-time job

  • Monday - Friday 



   Reservations and ticketing 

  • Communication with Headquarters and other branches of Korean Air

  • Back office support for European Languages Call Center Agents

  • Various administrative tasks



  • College degree is required

  • Korean and English proficiency – writing, speaking and listening

  • Experiences in travel/airline business are preferred

  • Very good communication skills

  • PC and Microsoft Office applications (i.e., Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook)

  • Ability to provide perfect customer service

  • Ability to coordinate with employees of different departments in the company       

  • Understanding and respect to Korean business culture



  • Competitive monthly salary and attractive package of airline employee benefits

  • Interesting work in a world-leading airline company

  • Chances to work in a global environment


Starting date: as soon as possible (it can be negotiable) 


In case of interest please send your CV in English to *****@*******.*** until APR 15, 2016.

* Please be noted that only selected candidates will be contacted.


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