

  • 맑음속초16.7맑음북춘천14.9맑음철원14.5맑음동두천15.4맑음파주14.0맑음대관령7.0맑음춘천14.9맑음백령도17.0맑음북강릉13.8맑음강릉15.2맑음동해13.0맑음서울19.0박무인천18.5맑음원주17.1맑음울릉도13.6박무수원15.7맑음영월13.1맑음충주13.4맑음서산15.4맑음울진12.8맑음청주18.7맑음대전16.9맑음추풍령11.6맑음안동13.6맑음상주14.3맑음포항14.7맑음군산17.9맑음대구14.0박무전주18.1맑음울산12.7구름많음창원15.7구름많음광주18.3맑음부산15.6맑음통영15.6맑음목포17.4구름조금여수17.5맑음흑산도16.1맑음완도15.7흐림고창17.5흐림순천13.8박무홍성16.0맑음서청주14.2맑음제주17.5구름많음고산16.6구름조금성산16.1구름조금서귀포17.4맑음진주13.1맑음강화15.2맑음양평15.7맑음이천15.8맑음인제13.5맑음홍천14.5맑음태백7.8맑음정선군9.9맑음제천12.5맑음보은12.5맑음천안13.6맑음보령15.6맑음부여15.7맑음금산12.4맑음세종15.1맑음부안15.8흐림임실14.9흐림정읍16.6흐림남원16.5맑음장수11.0흐림고창군18.0흐림영광군17.1맑음김해시15.3흐림순창군18.3맑음북창원16.2맑음양산시14.6맑음보성군17.4흐림강진군17.5흐림장흥18.3맑음해남14.9맑음고흥15.4맑음의령군13.8맑음함양군11.9맑음광양시15.4맑음진도군13.3맑음봉화10.4맑음영주12.5맑음문경12.6맑음청송군8.1맑음영덕10.3맑음의성11.5맑음구미14.5맑음영천11.9맑음경주시11.6맑음거창10.9맑음합천13.6맑음밀양14.2맑음산청13.5맑음거제14.3맑음남해15.2맑음북부산13.9
  • 2024.06.05(수)

구인/구직-채용정보중동부유럽 구인/구직/채용 정보

[구인-종료] 대한항공 프라하지점 사무직 KOREAN AIR – Accounting and General Admin Staff

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KOREAN AIR – Accounting and General Admin Staff


Global leading airline, Korean Air, its Prague Office is currently looking for new colleagues for Accounting and General Admin Staff


Position Description

         Full-time job (40 Hours/Week)

         Monday - Friday




         Expense accounting

         Accounting reports to headquarters

         Communication with external accountant and suppliers

         General Admin on various issues

         Support of other Korean Air staff




         University degree required

         Native Czech  or Korean and advanced English is a must;

Knowledge of Korean is a plus

         1-year experience sin the same or similar position is preferred

         Basic accounting knowledge

         Basic PC knowledge (MS Excel, MS Word, MS Outlook)

         Ability to provide perfect customer service

         Very good communication skills

         Professional attitude, punctuality, reliability and responsibility

         Understanding and respect to Korean business culture




         Competitive salary and attractive package of airline employee benefits

         Interesting work in a world-leading airline company

         Friendly, young international working team

         Offices in the attractive environment near the Wenceslas Square


Starting date: As soon as possible (can be further negotiated)

In case of interest please send your CV in English to s*****@koreanair.comuntil JUL 10, 2016.

* Please be noted that only selected candidates will be contacted.


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