

  • 구름많음속초14.0구름많음북춘천14.3구름많음철원12.9구름많음동두천13.3구름많음파주12.0구름조금대관령4.8구름많음춘천15.0흐림백령도15.7맑음북강릉12.5구름조금강릉13.5맑음동해14.7구름많음서울16.1구름많음인천16.8구름많음원주15.0맑음울릉도15.6구름많음수원14.2구름조금영월11.5구름조금충주11.6구름조금서산12.6구름조금울진13.9구름많음청주16.1맑음대전15.6맑음추풍령12.0구름조금안동12.0맑음상주12.8맑음포항15.7맑음군산13.9맑음대구12.5맑음전주16.1구름조금울산15.1맑음창원14.9맑음광주15.7맑음부산17.0구름조금통영16.1맑음목포17.2구름조금여수17.5구름많음흑산도18.5구름많음완도16.6맑음고창12.2맑음순천10.3박무홍성12.4흐림서청주13.2흐림제주21.4흐림고산20.8흐림성산22.3흐림서귀포21.1맑음진주12.0구름많음강화15.1구름많음양평13.1구름많음이천12.3구름많음인제12.6구름조금홍천13.4흐림태백10.5구름조금정선군9.0구름조금제천9.4맑음보은11.6구름조금천안11.5맑음보령14.2맑음부여12.6맑음금산11.9구름조금세종14.9구름많음부안13.9맑음임실11.3구름많음정읍13.2구름조금남원15.0맑음장수9.1구름많음고창군12.3맑음영광군12.8맑음김해시15.6구름많음순창군12.0맑음북창원15.7맑음양산시14.9맑음보성군13.7맑음강진군14.1맑음장흥13.1구름조금해남14.5맑음고흥13.4맑음의령군12.2맑음함양군10.1맑음광양시16.1구름조금진도군15.1맑음봉화10.3맑음영주10.7구름조금문경12.3흐림청송군11.6구름조금영덕13.3흐림의성12.8맑음구미12.3구름조금영천10.9구름조금경주시11.4맑음거창9.6맑음합천11.8맑음밀양13.4맑음산청11.0맑음거제15.1맑음남해15.3맑음북부산13.6
  • 2024.10.27(일)

구인/구직-채용정보중동부유럽 구인/구직/채용 정보

Recruiting Students Aspiring to Academic Excellence in English

Do you aspire to academic excellence in English? 


If yes, you are cordially invited to my class!



- IB English

- SAT 




- etc.



Academic Career: 

- Researcher of English linguistics (PhD/MA) in Vienna University (research focus: correlations between language and science)



Professional Career:

- Teacher of more than 700 international school students in Canada, the U.S., European countries, and Korea over 8 years

- Instructor of Korea University & Sungkyunkwan University

- Minsa Department Head of Topia Academy

- Head Teacher of Samboh Institute


Additional Professional Career: 

- External examiner of EE & TOK (IB) 


Pupils' Feats:

- This year alone, admitted to Yale University / Brown University / POSTECH / KAIST / McGill University / The University of British Columbia / The University of Hongkong / etc.

- A majority have been admitted to top universities of the world 

- A majority have gained scores in SAT / ACT far beyond the average scores of the IVY League students

- A majority have gained full scores in SAT / ACT Essay 

- All have gained A in EE and TOK 



Looking forward to meeting many aspirant students, 

Yours Earnestly,

E-mail: julianeverdr@gmail.com 

Cell Phone: +43 677 617 35030 


KakaoTalk ID: Julianeverdr1 (Please feel free to contact me in Korean, as I speak Korean, too)



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84 [프라하 주방] 1구역 ZUBANG 에서 정직원 / 파트타이머를 채용합니다. Taion Hwang 01.11 0 3,319
83 실생활 도움이 되는 영어 과외합니다~^^ lolololo 01.07 0 2,221
82 구인>> 통역해주실분 구해요(01.14~01.16) 신정원 01.06 0 2,437
81 삭제된 게시물입니다.
80 직원채용(체코어 가능자) bkkim 12.09 0 2,207
79 (구직)요리사입니다 chef 12.08 0 2,250
78 긴급) 테플리체에서 통역 구합니다! 김바라 11.23 0 2,233
77 수학 레슨합니다.(2번의 무료수업이 있습니다.) 행보기 11.22 0 2,524
76 여행사에서 운전 가능한 인솔자를 모십니다. 로맨틱 10.31 0 2,456
75 오픈예정인 프라하식당 매니져 구합니다. 서울치킨 10.27 0 3,835