

  • 맑음속초18.1맑음북춘천16.3맑음철원15.9맑음동두천17.5맑음파주17.6맑음대관령9.9맑음춘천17.4맑음백령도18.9맑음북강릉17.2맑음강릉17.1맑음동해18.7맑음서울19.6맑음인천20.0맑음원주17.4구름조금울릉도17.2맑음수원19.7맑음영월18.3맑음충주17.8맑음서산18.6구름조금울진18.6맑음청주19.3맑음대전19.1구름많음추풍령15.2구름조금안동17.4구름조금상주16.8구름조금포항18.4맑음군산18.6구름많음대구18.5맑음전주19.3흐림울산17.4맑음창원20.7맑음광주18.8구름많음부산18.7맑음통영19.1맑음목포19.7구름조금여수18.9구름조금흑산도19.4맑음완도20.9맑음고창17.7맑음순천16.6맑음홍성17.9맑음서청주16.7맑음제주21.2맑음고산21.2맑음성산21.1구름조금서귀포22.7구름많음진주18.2맑음강화18.4맑음양평16.3맑음이천17.7맑음인제13.5맑음홍천15.0맑음태백14.1맑음정선군14.1맑음제천16.0맑음보은15.6맑음천안17.4맑음보령20.2맑음부여16.6맑음금산16.1맑음세종18.1맑음부안19.6맑음임실16.3맑음정읍19.6맑음남원16.5맑음장수14.8맑음고창군18.5맑음영광군19.1구름많음김해시18.2맑음순창군16.8구름조금북창원19.7구름많음양산시20.0맑음보성군19.1맑음강진군18.0맑음장흥17.5맑음해남18.4맑음고흥20.5구름조금의령군17.6맑음함양군17.6맑음광양시19.5맑음진도군18.5맑음봉화15.6맑음영주17.1구름조금문경17.1구름조금청송군17.6맑음영덕17.9구름많음의성16.1구름많음구미17.6구름많음영천17.0흐림경주시17.2맑음거창16.2구름많음합천17.7구름많음밀양18.3맑음산청17.1맑음거제19.0구름조금남해18.6구름많음북부산19.1
  • 2024.06.03(월)

구인/구직-채용정보중동부유럽 구인/구직/채용 정보

[채용공고] MOORE EU Asia 한국 데스크 직원 채용


MOORE EU Asia 한국 데스크에서 함께 할 한국인 직원을 모집하오니 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.


회사명: MOORE Czech, MOORE EU Asia Korea desk

근무지: Karolinská 661/4, 186 00, Praha 8

이력서제출: suhyun.park@moore-czech.cz


[Job description]


Moore Czech Republic is a part of an international network of independent auditorial and advisory firms and we are currently looking for a Relationship officer to the Korean desk for 2~3 days/week.

  • Part-time  : 2~3 days/week
  • Work Place: Prague office / Online
  • Seniority: Entry level
  • Education: Business management or relevant field is a plus
  • Salary : ~ 30,000 CZK (depending on work experience)



Business development support and service promotion of Europe mainly CEE regions

Communicating with Korean clients and local specialists regarding on-going projects

Responsible for making marketing and project related materials

English Korean translation (reports, website, brochure), interpretation in meetings

Support for the Korean clients according to Korean culture expectations



Native in Korean (good writing skills in Korean)

Business-level English

Ability to use Microsoft Office software

Knowledge about financial terms is a plus

Problem-solving attitude

Self-motivated, precise, reliable and cooperative person





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