

  • 맑음속초6.4맑음북춘천-2.5맑음철원-2.0맑음동두천-1.0맑음파주-0.9맑음대관령-6.0맑음춘천-1.0맑음백령도8.4맑음북강릉6.0맑음강릉6.6맑음동해4.1맑음서울3.8맑음인천6.2맑음원주1.3구름조금울릉도8.8맑음수원1.1맑음영월-0.9맑음충주-1.1맑음서산3.7맑음울진4.9맑음청주3.7맑음대전1.7맑음추풍령0.9맑음안동1.8맑음상주0.0맑음포항5.9맑음군산4.3구름조금대구2.8맑음전주6.1맑음울산5.2맑음창원6.9맑음광주7.1맑음부산9.6맑음통영9.6맑음목포8.9맑음여수10.7맑음흑산도12.8맑음완도8.8맑음고창4.7맑음순천0.9박무홍성-0.3맑음서청주-0.2구름조금제주13.6맑음고산13.0구름많음성산16.7구름많음서귀포14.8맑음진주2.2맑음강화1.1맑음양평0.4맑음이천-1.4맑음인제-1.2맑음홍천-1.5맑음태백-3.8맑음정선군-3.9맑음제천-2.6맑음보은-1.0맑음천안-1.0맑음보령5.1맑음부여1.1맑음금산-0.1맑음세종1.7맑음부안3.4맑음임실0.4맑음정읍3.8맑음남원2.6구름조금장수-0.7맑음고창군6.8맑음영광군4.2맑음김해시5.5맑음순창군2.4맑음북창원5.8맑음양산시5.1맑음보성군4.0맑음강진군8.4맑음장흥4.1맑음해남10.2맑음고흥5.2맑음의령군2.3맑음함양군-0.2맑음광양시8.0맑음진도군12.2맑음봉화-1.1맑음영주-0.8맑음문경-0.5맑음청송군-1.8맑음영덕3.7맑음의성-1.4맑음구미1.2맑음영천0.4맑음경주시1.5맑음거창-0.9맑음합천2.2맑음밀양2.5맑음산청0.7맑음거제6.6맑음남해6.6맑음북부산4.0
  • 2024.11.25(월)

구인/구직-채용정보중동부유럽 구인/구직/채용 정보

[마감] KISS Czech에서 직원을 모집합니다 - Operation Manager

Operation Manager:


The manager will play a key role in managing Customer Service and Production/Warehouse functions at Kiss Czech.

Manager will be expected to manage cross-functionally alongside all departments and manage daily operational functions as well as projects to manage Kiss Czech effectively and efficiently.

Job Description:


- Manage all expenses related to operations

- Manage all purchases related to operations

- Manage customer orders including logistic

- Proper execution of projects with internal/HQ and with 3rd parties (providers)

- Plan and manage all production.

- Working cross-functionally alongside other related departments for every applicable project including sales and HQ

- Manage Service Requests from sales and HQ

- Manage ins and outs of all merchandise (receiving/shipping)


Additional Job Description:

- A Bachelor's Degree is required 

- At least 7 years of corporate experience in the warehouse/logistic operations.

- Experience in managing 30+ employees

- Ability to work successfully in a deadline-driven environment with a sense of urgency.

- Strong organizational planning and follow-up skills. Assertiveness, flexibility, and adaptability

- Ability to prioritize and execute tasks in an efficient and timely manner

- Strong interpersonal and communication skills

- Positive attitude and personality

- Proficiency in Korean and English required

- Czech language a plus


근로 조건: 

- 정규직 (8시간/일)

- 취업 비자 지원 

- 최종 채용 후 이주 시 항공편 제공 

- 가족동반 가능 

- 체코 법 규정에 따른 근로조건 



- 일정 금액 주택 임차료 지원

- 차량 지원 (차량 리스, 보험료 등)

- 건강보험 지원 (체코법인 규정에 따름)

- 이주비용 실비 정산 

- 일년에 한번 한국 방문 비행기표 티켓 제공

- 핸드폰 SIM카드 제공

- 유급 휴가 (체코법인 규정에 따름)


지원하고자 하신다면, 아래 메일로 이력서를 보내주세요. 

Sofia Park (Global Talent Acquisition Coordinator) 

email address: separk@kissusa.com  


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